Thursday, December 23, 2010


Its been a full week of great are some snapshots of a few of them. you can also view more pictures at the following links (you don't have to have a facebook account to view them) - after i started uploading them i realized they're kind of backwards in chronological order...oh well...

WMF Christmas Party

Sari Bari Christmas Party

Pictures from the Sari Bari Blog

I really enjoyed the Caroling service i went to last Sunday - it was beautiful. someone would read a passage of scripture, and then the choir would sing a song. the final passage of scripture was from John 1 - and they turned all the lights off and the Vicar read by candle-light. it was so beautiful and powerful!

I'm really looking forward to the Christmas eve service tonight....this season of Advent - the discipline of has been good - and now, well, now we celebrate!

Me, Sarah, Radha, Beth and Sheila - at the end of a beautiful, but tiring morning

I wish i could share more of the pictures of my friends, my sister, my mothers, my aunts - so many beautiful women in one place. so much joy, so many smiles, so much pride as i met their children and husbands...but this will have to do!

Gita, Radha and Beth

Like any good party - there was food preparation to be done :)

ready for the party :)

I got a new sari...and i love it!

Kyle, Upendra and Rafique

Radha, Shela and Gita

packing up the gifts for Sari Bari Christmas

A sea of pink gift bags

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