Friday, January 17, 2014

another loss.

A member of our staff who has been serving at Sari Bari for 6 years decided to resign. Yesterday we told the Sari Bari ladies. it was a horrible day. a really horrible day. Here are some of the thoughts running through my mind.

another loss.

that's what it feels like.

that's what it is.

oh, i know, i know - there is beauty, and new life, and growth awaiting on the other side of this transition.

but that's not what i feel. I feel the loss.


it almost seems like this season has so much loss that it must be some sort of joke - it can't be real.

so i look ahead into another two weeks of transition meetings, responsibility hand offs, going away parties, debriefing...and once we get through the chaos of another 2 weeks of transition the real work begins (but believe me...this work is hard enough - simultaneously supporting and grieving, trying to send someone off well, when you are yourself gutted by the departure) i look ahead into the juggling act that lies ahead.

i don't know how we do it. i don't know how we'll keep doing it. We juggle, we flip, we figure out a way, we make a compromise, and find a way. someone steps up, someone grows into a new responsibility somehow it always (mostly) works out.

but i wonder, how long? how long can we do this? how many more responsibilities can we throw into this juggling act?

how many more losses can we absorb before it all come crashing down.

that's how i feel.

i know it's not (entirely) true.


Mallary said...

Mel, what does that mean exactly? That she is going back to her former life?

Melissa/Mel said...

it is one of our national parterns who has been in leadership for over 6 years. she's spent the past 6 months as our community care coordinator, and is heading into new opportunities she feels led into.