Thursday, August 16, 2012


As the day was getting started at SB today my friend asked me what I was doing at 2 o’clock today. I told her I was going to be here, and I was going to eat lunch. And she said, “well, I have a story to tell you. I’ll tell you at 2.”

So after I ate lunch I went and found her…
she asked, “Did you eat”
I said, “yup…I ate”
then she said, “What’s left for you to eat.”
And I said, “your story…that’s all that’s left for me.”

And the she told me stories. Stories of longing. Stories of waiting, and waiting and waiting. Stories of crying out to God, and asking him to show up…and wondering if He ever would. Wondering if He heard her prayer. Wondering if He was going to act…and simultaneously trusting that He would. She told me stories of restoration. And hope. And things being set right. She told me how the Lord has been good to her – and she can see it now.

And I told her that we’re the same. That even though we come from such different backgrounds we’re the same. We have the same longings. We both cry out to God and wonder what He will do…and I told her that my faith is increased by listening to her stories. I told her that I received hope while listening to her story (and watching her smile)…and I told her that my life has a little more light, and a little less darkness because she chose to share herself, her story, her experience with me.

On a Thursday afternoon…where I haven’t slept well…in the midst of a season where my brain is on overdrive with thoughts and worries and longing…her friendship…her words…her story…her experience encourage me. They are the very presence of God with me. What an honor.

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