Wednesday, May 9, 2012

sometimes you just want to hide

this is one of those moments.
i'm sitting in my living room - trying to find anything to do but be here.
trying to think of ways to move away from this space.

i feel restless.
my mind moving in lots of different directions.
i want to be distracted.
i want something to give my attention to.
i don't want to be present in this moment.

Tomorrow Sheila flies to her new home.

tomorrow night her bedroom will be empty.
..and there will be a hole. a huge gaping hole in our community and in my heart...the space that belongs to Sheila.

i know...i's the beginning of the beginning...but right now, well, it doesn't feel like that. right now it just feels like i'm gonna miss my dear sister more than i can imagine...


Mallary said...

Thinking of you, Mel. Goodbyes can really suck.

JodiF said...

Praying for you all :)