Tuesday, January 31, 2012


somehow, slowly, over the course of the past year i've become known for laughter at Sari Bari. (this is fine with me...i think that being known for throwing great parties, and having a great laugh are pretty good things to be known for). I see this is a clear gift from the Lord. Over the past year and a half i have worked hard to cultivate joy in my life. i have fought for it...and i've seen the Lord at work restoring, and then preserving His joy in my heart. when i laugh it's an external overflow of a deep and beautiful work that the Lord has done, and continues to do in my heart.

This "Melissa's laughter phenomenon" at SB just keeps growing. it's communicated i little comments. Like when i'm away from one of the units for awhile when i show up the ladies say, "oh, it has been so many days since we've heard your laugh" or "we miss your laugh"

One of the guys had told me countless times that he's going to record my laugh on his phone and then he's going to learn how to laugh just like me.

The other day i walked into one of the rooms and our resident impersonator impersonated my laugh. (which was hilarious...and just made me laugh more!)

and sometimes when i walk into a room someone will say, "oh, Moushumi-di, please laugh"...which is always a little awkward...it's not like i can just laugh on cue...

Yesterday i was on the phone with Upendra and at the end of the call he said, "laugh a little" - which was just funny enough that i started to laugh. so i hung up and was talking with brooke about this laughter phenomenon at Sari Bari, and how i find joy and freedom in the context of those relationships (even in the midst of stressful situations and/or schedules) and she said...

"you know, Melissa, it's true. your deepest laughter is at Sari Bari."

which is true. it was good for me to hear. something i probably wouldn't have observed on my own....but it's true. Yes, i laugh a fair bit at home...and in other contexts in my life, but it's also true that the relationships at Sari Bari tap into a joy in my spirit in a way that no place else does.


Raleigh said...

I LOVE this. Joy in the midst of sorrow... the deeper the latter, the deeper the former, perhaps.
Laugh long and loud, my friend. =)

Mandy said...

i can almost hear your laughter just now...

Mallary said...

You really do have a great laugh!