Tuesday, July 5, 2011

does joy really come in the morning?

She's been absent for awhile so we went to see if she was okay. Was she sick? on vacation? did she just lose the desire to work at Sari Bari? The reasons for absence are endless (and rarely good news) - so we check in on our sisters when they're gone too long.

Through the course of our conversation i decided to share the Psalm that we read yesterday morning at SB. I thought it might be encouraging to her...

"Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes in the morning."

and then she looks at me and says, "But since my childhood all i have known is darkness. All i have known is sadness and sorrow. I don't know what happiness is."

and I am left speechless...in the middle of the all too familiar tension of the "already and not yet" kingdom of God. I feel like my hands are empty. I fee like i don't really have anything to offer her.

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