Friday, January 28, 2011


...sometimes the answer is so simple (not always...but sometimes!).

i'm trying to get a handle on training at sari bari. what is going on...what resources are already available...thinking of how to train to set up systems to make sure things don't fall in the cracks.

currently we have a group of ladies (about 6) at one of our units who have finished the basic curriculum books they were working on - so i've been trying to think through what to do "next" with them - or how to make learning fun...or what the best use of the training time is.

i've thought of some relatively simple things to add - different memory games, some other fun games, some new worksheets for them to practice with...and then, i stumbled on the golden ticket...accidentally.

usually i observe what the ladies are already working on, and then try to help them understand more....but then, i just asked one of the ladies, "what do you want to learn?" and she told me. she wants to learn her numbers well enough so that she can read bus numbers. we can do that. she's been practicing writing her name (but really, she's got it down)...she can keep doing that too, but if she wants to learn numbers - and has a goal...a purpose that meets a felt need in her own life...well then we're going to make that happen.

so simple..."What do you want to learn" seems like the perfect starting place to me!