Thursday, May 28, 2009

where the rubber meets the road...

I am not generally a "worrier." i tend to be pretty laid back and figure things will work themselves out. i own a house trailer that i bought 5ish years ago...and now i need to get rid of it. this situation is stressing me out. a lot. (when i think about it...). here's why (okay, so i've analyzed the situation quite a bit).
  • i need to not own the trailer anymore. my friend has been living there and she is moving out (plus, i just need to get rid of it...i'm moving out the country for 3 years...).
  • i don't have a job (another point of stress from time to time) - so there is a sense of urgency to me in this
  • its not exactly the best time to be selling a home of any sort (to say the least)
  • its a little overwhelming to consider packing up my life - sorting through my furniture, possessions, pots, pans, photo albums etc and deciding what to keep, what to give away, and what to do with what i keep
  • while i know the "living in the trailer park" season of my life is over (for now) - it was a sweet season, and there is a sense of sadness in the finality of the closure (i mean...really, i have lots of great memories in that home).

so, i have this bent toward getting stressed out about the situation. this, my friends is where the rubber meets the road for me. another list...
  • i bought the trailer in obedience to a work that God was doing in my heart
  • i am preparing to move to Kolkata in obedience to a work that God is doing in my heart
  • not owning the trailer anymore is an important piece in me being able to move to Kolkata
  • shouldn't i be able to trust that God will be at work in this situation?!?! (i mean, i know there are practical action steps i need to take - but really when it comes down to it this is an issue of trust in my heart).

so - in those moments where i start to get cranked up...i'm working on taking my hands off the situation, and offering it up to the Lord. telling him this need, and trusting that he will provide and work in this situation... (not that He isn't aware of the need...but i need to release it)...and when its all said and done i'll see how he's been at work. its this very practical/tangible area in my life where i need a little more faith than i currently have, and where i'm learning to trust the Lord, His goodness, and His provision.

also...if you or anyone you know are interested in buying my trailer...feel free to send me an email or something :)

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