Monday, December 1, 2008

"Normal" Sights

If you want...Click the link to see some pictures i uploaded today. you don't have to be a member of facebook to view the pictures:

I'm not very good at taking pictures. its for a lot of reasons i'm sure (like i don't want to carry my camera around, or i forget i have it, or i get stared at enough without being the crazy white girl taking a picture, or i don't do it at first, and then things become normal so i don't think to do it later.)

Stephanie's friend came to visit at the end of October - and she took lots of pictures of the city. Things i see everyday that have become "normal" to me. Most of these are from her, a few are from other interns, and a few i took. So here's a photo tour of my "normal."

I will say that these pictures tend to be tilted toward visible poverty. I live in a city of extremes...There are some incredibly beautiful buildings too, i just don't tend to hang out in those neighborhoods. For balance sake eventually i'll try to take more of those.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics - it helps me understand your normal world. What is normal dress for the beach? Was it a cold day?


Melissa/Mel said...

No it wasn't cold....full clothes is normal dress for the beach and for swimming. Indian women often swim in a full salwar suit. at pools swim suits are more commong. also, swimming suits are called, "swimming contumes" We had just stopped by on our way home.