Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fixed Rate

The sign that says, "Fixed Rate" is the new bane of my existence, or at least my shopping. I live in a country of bartering...and i'll be honest, i'm not very good at it. I mean, i am if i know what a good price is, but i don't always know, and a lot of times i walk away from a vendor feeling like i just got ripped off. (maybe i'm paranoid, but i don't think so). My co-workers are really good at telling me what a fair price is (when i plan enough in advance to ask before i go out).

Recently though, i've noticed a new trend. The "Fixed Rate" sign hanging somewhere. Now don't get me wrong. I LOVE fixed prices. Sometimes i go to "regular" stores and pay a little more so i can avoid haggling over a few rupees, and either feeling like i got ripped off, or like i'm a total jerk for getting all worked up over what amounts to 25 cents. I actually really like that plan - but that's not what i'm talking about here. Recently i went Christmas shopping and 2 or 3 shops had "fixed rate" signs, but they didn't have the prices written down. So what happens is they tell me a price that is at least double what it should be (and i know they're giving me a bad price) and then when i try to barter they point to the sign and say, "fixed rate" - oh a HATE that. and then i say something like, "oh, fixed do i know what the fixed rate is. its not written down. you could say any price and then point to your snazzy little sign!" Surprisingly this does not get me very far.

The other day a man tried to charge me double for a gift for my nieces. He wouldn't budge. he just kept saying "fixed rate" - finally i left, found what i was looking for 3 shops down (the exact same thing!) only this shop had a "fixed rate" sign AND the prices written that's my kind of store.

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