Wednesday, November 28, 2012


in big ways and small, i often have the privilege of having my own words spoken back to me.

a couple days ago at Sari Bari, during Tea time i was eating a snack with a few of the ladies. One of them offered me a big chili and said i should eat it (they tend to taunt me with chilis since they know that i don't eat them whole like they do). i told her it was impossible. That i could not possibly eat that chili. i would die. it was impossible.

so one of the other ladies in the circle looks at me and says, "Well, make the impossible possible. isn't that was you always say to us?!?! that we serve the God who makes impossible things possible."

...well, yes, as a matter of fact that is true. I have said that more than once (more like over and over and over)...

...and while i didn't eat the chili, i do believe that i serve the God who makes the impossible possible.

right now, as a community we're looking at impossible, and waiting, longing, expecting to see God move and make it possible.

we have been trying to buy a building for the past year. In the past 2 months a great possibility has come along. The location is beyond our wildest expectations. The groundwork has been laid. there have been mulitple conversations between lawyers, realestate agents, the current owner and us.

we are on the verge of this happening...we are so close...yet so far away.

we are hopeful that in the next week we will close, sign, and the building will be ours, but there is still so much that could go wrong.

we are praying that things will finally fall into place the way they're supposed to and we will own that building.

and i'd like to invite you, if you pray, to pray along with us and be a part of this impossibility becoming possible.

as a community we are going to fast and pray on Thursday. please join us, from wherever you happen to be, if you'd like.


Melissa Martynyuk said...

i will be praying, but fasting is still a no-no as long as Leora is attached me. literally and figuratively ;-)

love you Mel!!!!

Mandy said...

this is amazing!