Wednesday, October 3, 2012

An October Mini-Update

Open House in Spring Arbor: I’d love the chance to catch up in person! Come on by if you can!
Monday Oct 8, 2012
5-7:30 PM
7140 King Rd, Spring Arbor, MI 49283

Today I write from a very different location than usual. My parents’ kitchen table, looking out in the backyard at the amazing Fall colors.  Over and over I am amazed by the beauty of Michigan Fall! What a treasure it is to be home for a bit, to enjoy this season, and to celebrate.

Last weekend my younger sister Angela got married. It was an amazing celebration, and a joy to be with family, and to rejoice over Angela and Kevin’s partnership in life! And in a few hours I’m driving down to Sheila’s house to celebrate her and Joel, and their commitment to one another. I cannot wait to see Sheila. To hug her, and celebrate with her, and to be with someone who knows me so well (plus I get to see Beth and Kyle too. It’s going to be a Kolkata Roommate reunion in Amish country Ohio. Compared with what our lives were like together in Kolkata you couldn’t set a more different stage for our “reunion”!)

It is good to be here. To laugh and tell stories, enjoying coffee and great meals with friends and family. It is good to have some distance from Kolkata. To reflect on my life there, and what I get to be a part of there. And it has been an incredible blessing to hear from different folks. Their reflections on my time away, and how I am, and to have life spoken over me and into me from folks who love me deeply, and know me well, and don’t interact with me on a daily basis in Kolkata. It’s affirming to have someone say that I speak with a gentleness about Kolkata (cause most days in Kolkata I feel anything but gentle!). And to have people say that they can tell I’m rooted, and that I seem to be doing well. What a treasure to hear from you all – the external voices who see what I can’t see in myself, and name what I could never name on my own. This time, these conversations are a gift.

Peace be with you.

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