Tuesday, July 31, 2012

For Grandpa

My Grandpa is a very faithful blog reader.
he checks it everyday....and when it's been too long since a post...he let's me know that it's time.

I was thinking over the weekend that it had been a long time since i've blogged, but then it gets to the point where you don't know where to begin again.

...but thanks to the gentle nudging of Grandpa, here's some of what i've been up to since July 8...

hosting an intern
working on logistics of SB receiving a grant
attended a Trafficking in person conference hosted by the US consulate in kolkata
tried to manage the finances
had my wallet stolen
went to hear live music w/ some friends
bought ink cartiridges
the office computer crashed...and hard drive was replaced
baked...m & m cookies...and donuts (with chocolate icing!)
paid my rent (it's a big deal, believe me!)
created a new spreadsheet for how we do payday at SB...it's gonna be magic once it's finished!
attended an aftercare training hosted by the "Freedom Network" in kolkata
WMF community night
got 2 packages :) (it took a couple trips to be able to pick them up)
been out to the prevention unit twice (and headed there tomorrow!)
hosted an advocacy day for the SB interns and volunteers (which was awesome and exhausting!)
celebrated a major faith even in the life of a dear friend
got a cold
followed the Tour de France
tended Beth's garden
forgot to do important things that i said i'd do
finally managed to get the tailor to alter the shirt that he'd made wrong in the first place
added a new layer to my re-occurring stress dream
watched TV
stolen moment to play with the kids at SB (whose mom's work for us)...those kiddos sure are amazing
defrosted the freezer
went to an ultrasound appointment w/ some friends and got to "meet" an amazing new little person
listened to sermons in my hammock
moved into a different bedroom
...and lots of other stuff that i'm not going to list here.

it's been a full season...the lists of things to do are longer than can be done in a single day...or week...

lots on my plate...lots on my mind...not much emotional or physical energy left by the time i drag myself home at the end of the day...but now that i've broken the ice...well, here's hoping it will be awhile before i need another loving nudge from Grandpa :)

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