Thursday, June 28, 2012

An amazing "shout out"

Not too long ago the 2012 TIP (Trafficking in Persons) Report was released by the US Department of State. The TIP report is a tool that the Dept of State uses to engage foreign governments on the issue of human trafficking. (here's a link to how they describe it)

In it Secretary Clinton references her time in's part of what she says...
"When I met with the people who were working with victims in Kolkata, I met several young women from the United States who had been inspired by reading about and watching and going online and learning about what was happening in the efforts to rescue and protect victims. And they were there in Kolkata, working with organizations, NGOs, and the faith community, to do their part. So this is a moment for people to ask themselves not just what government can do to end modern slavery, but what can I do, what can we do together."

 I can't believe she remembers us...and i love what she says makes it so personal...what can each of us do...what can we do here and the corners of the world where we the midst of our own passions and gifts and strengths...cause we can all do something. it's beautiful...and it's true. 

If you happen to want to read the whole "article" (its a transcript of an event) here's the link...

1 comment:

Mallary said...

That's pretty cool, Mel!