Tuesday, May 1, 2012

a new name

you may have noticed that i recently re-named my blog....and some have wondered why...so here's a little explanation.

a few months ago my friend Merilee wrote me a letter. she was reflecting on the past year - the ups and downs...the joys and struggles...all that had been...and this is what she wrote:

"And you can't imagine living or doing life anywhere else. You can't and don't imagine this year any other way. What a celebration of this year! Fullness and Empty. Life and Death. Growth and Loss - all at your fingertips. Perhaps most people live miles away from their dreams, wishing and hoping for the winds to somehow change. But you, your dreams are close enough to make you simultaneously ill with brokenness and sadness, and light enough to keep your feet dancing for hours. You live on the knife's edge."

and when i read it the first time i thought it was such an appropriate description of what had been, and what is. that little phrase has been caught in my mind for the past few months. it's a susinct little way to put this place...this life into words.

i live on the knife's edge -  "where your dreams are close enough to make you simultaneously ill with brokenness and sadness, and light enough to keep your feet dancing for hours."

these past few months i've spent a lot of time in brokenness and sadness...and i've also spent a lot of time rejoicing and dancing (although the brokenness and sadness has been the overwhelming tenor of the season...the joy was there too...just harder to find).

and so i thought, well...it seems like it's time for a new name...

1 comment:

Mallary said...

I love the new name! Such a vivid and fitting description.