Her name is Imagination. As a community we’ve known her for a long time. I won’t
retell her whole story here (it’s long…and I wasn’t around for the beginning).
I briefly met Imagination back in 2008 when she first started
working for Sari Bari...and I really began getting to know here in July of 2011
when she started working for SB again.
She has had (as is normal) a long winding road to freedom. Although,
her road is, perhaps a little more winding than most…Kyle wrote a song called,
“Vision” and it has the line, “Imagination has a prayer.”
I can’t tell you how many times that line has run through my
mind the past few weeks…concrete steps forward seemed to be within Imagination’s
grasp…a desire for change…a deep desire within herself for something new…a
commitment to freedom and a new way…
…and then all of a sudden snatched from her grasp…and
everything within me screamed, “THIS IS NOT FAIR!” Imagination has so many cards
stacked against her…the new way suddenly vanished…and I began to wonder, “Does
Imagination have a prayer?!...does she?!” Is it actually possible for her to
overcome all that is stacked against her? How in the world is it possible that
one person has to overcome so much? How is that right? How is that fair? Does
Imagination have a prayer…cause I’m not necessarily sure…it seems like for
every step she takes forward she is pushed back, stumbles back, is dragged back
…and then…against all odds, a way is made. Beth pursues
Imagination…Beth beats down doors (figuratively)…Beth moves hell (literally) to
make a way for her dear sister Imagination.
…so, at least for now, it would seem that Imagination does have a prayer. The way is long. The
scales are tilted against her. I think, perhaps she has more stacked against
her than anyone else I know…but today, again, she is moving toward freedom…the
road is long…it will continue to wind…but she is walking…crawling…struggling
into freedom.
And she is not alone.
1 comment:
What a great name!
Mel, thank you for the way you fight for freedom and for sharing your honest thoughts. I love hearing how you think. You are so real and transparent. You teach me so much.
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