Tuesday, January 24, 2012

words that are better than mine...

"Like an endless falling"
~Walter Bruggeman

Things fall apart,
     the center cannot hold
We are no strangers to the falling apart;
We perpetrate against the center of our lives,
     and on some days it feels
          like an endless falling,
          like a deep threat,
          like ruthless wind.
But you...you in the midst,
         you back in play,
         you rebuking and silencing and ordering,
         you creating restfulness in the very eye of the storm.
You...be our center:
         cause us not to lie about the danger,
         cause us not to resist your good order.
Be our God. Be the God you promised,
          and we will be among those surely peaceable in your order.
We pray in the name of the one through whom all things hold together.

And words from my best friend (she's pretty much amazing...)

"And you can't imagine living or doing life anywhere else. You can't and don't imagine this year any other way. What a celebration of this year! Fullness and Empty. Life and Death. Growth and Loss - all at your fingertips. Perhaps most people live miles away from their dreams, wishing and hoping for the winds to somehow change. But you, your dreams are close enough to make you simultaneously ill with brokenness and sadness, and light enough to keep your feet dancing for hours. You live on the knife's edge."

...so true and beautiful...and at the same time, when i was talking wiht Beth about this she said, "yeah, well sometimes we still wish the winds would change. just in different ways."

i know some pretty amazing/profound/honest/wise folks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know some pretty wise folks too and one whose name is Lem.