Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby girl

Our neighbors downstairs had a baby about a month ago. she's precious. and tiny. so tiny (she was just under 5lbs at birth).

they've been wanting a baby for years. The mom is in her mid-30's...and they've been married for a long time - and no children.

their hearts longed for a child.

they waited and waited...and waited.

and then seeming against all odds, she got pregnant. it was a rough pregnancy. she was on bed rest for awhile - and every time she'd go to the doctor she'd give us an update...and it never seemed very positive.

i was worried the baby would be stillborn - or have some other developmental problem.

they were going to do a c-section to deliver the baby.

the mom was in the hospital for about a week before the baby was born - and it never sounded good...the baby was in a strange position, there was no water for the baby (which i thought meant there was some problem with the amniotic fluid)

and then we got the call one morning - a baby girl was born. naturally. and she was fine. she was tiny, yes...but she was healthy.

its like my roommates and i let out a collective sigh of relief when we heard she was okay.

its been a joy to have a baby around. often times when i come home from a long day - i'll be invited to see the baby...and to hold her. her dad is so proud. her mom...well, beautiful. and she is tiny and sweet. i just hold her an marvel at her tiny hands and nose and eyes.

a little bit of joy in the middle of a busy, crowded, hard city.

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