Friday, January 21, 2011


yesterday i was going to the metro - and i saw a man in a business suit...carrying a pink plastic lunchbox...and its not an overly strange sight.

sheila called me the other day to tell me that she saw an adult man wearing a winnie the pooh sweater (maybe it was a hat)...and bright pink wind pants.

when i go first thing in the morning to our production unit in the south, i leave earlier than i "need" to. it allows me to miss the really horrible rush hour metro crowding. i take a book, and my coffee in my to-go mug, and when i get to that part of town, i sit and read and drink coffee and listen to music in the metro station. i like that rhythm to my week.

This week i was walking down "Park Street" - its the "nice" main street of "down town"...and i thought to myself, "This is like no other downtown anywhere" - there were piles of sand (a bit strange)...but the dirt, the uneven brick sidewalks, the vendors, the people who beg...those are all normal.

i don't know what's going on this week....but its "dead animal" week for me. not to be too gross - but i regularly see dead rats and crows (yes, its gross, but not that horrible, well, sometimes it is...) this week i've seen 1 dead dog and 3 dead cats on the side of the road....i've never seen a dead cat or dog on the road - and then 4 in one week!??!? its a little much, i think.

a have a new schedule the past couple weeks. i should probably write a longer blog fully devoted to this - but my "formation year" is over, which means i have new responsibilities and a new schedule. once again i'm faced with the reality that i don't always handle change or "the unknown" very well. i like normal. i like rhythm. i like to know what to expect out of my week...and now i'm learning a new normal (and not always doing a good job of it). sidebar: the relative blog silence can certainly be attributed to this transition...

i'm excited for the dust from this transition period to settle - so i can begin dreaming new dreams...planing...and investing...and developing...unleashing my strengths and passions and gifts into the new "jobs" that are mine.

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