Saturday, November 7, 2009

...that doesn't sound like you

about a month ago i got to see my friend Sarah (who likes in Kolkata). She was in Toledo for a conference, so i drove down and had dinner and spent the night with her. What a gift the time with her was.

We were talking about my time in the states, and what that's been in my life. I explained that this year i've been incredibly unorganized. I feel like i miss deadlines a lot. I'm often running late. I forget to do things i said i would. I've felt "scattered" and and probably a bit unreliable...generally out of control.

As i was describing all this sarah said, "Wow, that doesn't sound like you at all." I know. believe me, i know. I think i've had to "surrender" to this year. and generally i think its been good for me. getting to know different parts of my personality, letting to of responsibility, or expectations hard at times. uncomfortable for sure - but still very good.

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