Thursday, October 29, 2009

Omaha bound

Tomorrow morning my friend Merilee and I leave for Omaha, NE. we're going for the weekend to visit with WMF people - and for my commissioning service with WMF.

I am so excited for this trip....
to hang out with the WMF Omaha crew
to meet other new WMF international staff who will also be commissioned
for a road trip with my friend

seriously, i'm like, "little kid day before Christmas" excited, or, "the night before i leave for summer camp" excited, or, "the day before the first day of school" excited. inside i jump up and down like a school girl whenever i think about it.

its gonna be a great weekend. i just know it. maybe i'll even stop at the "World's Largest Truck Stop" on I-80...


Mandy said...

have fun :)

Anonymous said...

Galak dak kacuk'an dg aq...