Sunday, October 11, 2009


Yesterday my dad took our pontoon boat out of the lake. guess that means summer is really gone. the trees are a little more colorful every day, and the weather man tells me that there isn't any "indian summer" in the forecast. Fall is here. i love fall, really i do. i love the colors. I love the warm-ish days and the cool evenings. I love wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and feeling just right. but i feel like fall snuck up on me. I feel like summer got away, and i didn't realize it. I feel like there were too many "lasts" that i didn't realize were "lasts" and i'm a little sad about that.

maybe its that the end of summer and the beginning of fall means that this move to India is sooner rather that later. for so long its been something that was going to happen "in a year" but now its 2 1/2 months. maybe its that my list of "things to do someday when i get around to it" has now become a list that needs to be done...or i'm going to end up being crazy/busy/stressed out in Dec. Maybe its that i looked at my calendar last weekend and realized how little time i have left in the US, and how many things/people i still want to see. maybe its that there are still dear friends that i haven't gotten to see yet, and i've been in the US for 7 1/2 months!

i feel like time is barreling forward - so quickly. I think that the next 2-3 months are going to fly, and before i realize it i'm going to be on a plane to India (which is both thrilling, and a bit daunting). So, as for the "lasts" that snuck in:
  • Shorts, capris, tank-tops and flip-flops - guess i'll just have to bust you back out in January, in Kolkata (well, not the shorts, except at home...)
  • Frosty Boy - i'll see you when i'm home next summer
  • Pontoon boat, and swimsuit - same thing
  • Sunday morning bike ride to concord for breakfast - its not too late! today may be a bit chilly, but the sun is out, and i'm not ready to let you with a bit of extra clothes (we're off...)

1 comment:

Mandy said...

dec in colorado sounds lovely doesn't it?

(oh and by the way, i'm a follower, but your blog NEVER pops up on my reader when you post a new you know why?)