Sunday, September 27, 2009

A "real adult"...for awhile

i started working on Thursday. Its a temporary secretarial position while someone is on medical leave. I'm working 40 hrs a week, and generally acting like a real adult (showering/doing my hair everyday, wearing "work clothes", going to bed on time, setting an alarm to get up before i feel like it everyday, staying in one town for more than a week at a time).

i'm thankful for this job....for lots of reasons....
jobs are hard to come by in MI
i think i'm going to enjoy it (and the people i work with)
its perfect timing
i'm looking forward to a routine, and how that stability/normalcy will be good for me
i'll be in SA and be able to spend time with people i haven't seen much here cause i've been traveling

a few months ago when i would think about getting a job i'd have a mini-moment of panic. i was afraid that if i started working i'd feel "trapped" or that i wouldn't be able to do the things i really wanted to do with my time/this year cause i'd be stuck going to some job that i didn't really care about, and that i'd miss out on time with people, and that the money i'd be earning wasn't worth the "cost" of the things i'd be missing out on. i think its beautiful how the Lord has moved my heart over the past few months, and how i'm looking forward to this job.

On Thursday and Friday i went in for training...and monday i start on my own. guess i'll find out tomorrow how prepared i am for this job!

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