Monday, August 10, 2009

Ode to Seventy-six Sixty-six Caryn Way (Clap Clap, Clap Clap)

One Christmas Abi and Emily wrote a song about our little blue trailer...the chorus said "Seventy-six, Sixty-six Caryn Way" with 4 claps...

So i've been working the past month moving out of my trailer, and moving into my parents' house. its been such an overwhelming process i didn't feel like i could be present in it. i was overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated...and 7666 Caryn Way deserves more than here's an ode to the little blue trailer i called home, and shared with my friend Emily for 6 yrs.

At 7666 Caryn Way, I....
  • hosted game nights with friends
  • developed a great toy box for when the neighbors came to visit
  • had a fort in made of blankets and couch cushions set up in the spare room for 2 or 3 months
  • went running
  • mowed the lawn
  • composted vegetables
  • planted rose bushes
  • cut roses and brought them inside
  • watched my rose bushes die slowly year after year
  • landscaped - a perennial garden
  • wasn't very good at weeding, or maintaining said garden!
  • painted all the walls...most of them very bright
  • hung pictures on the walls
  • burned candles
  • lived with Abi for a couple months, but called that room "Abi's Room" til the very end...4 yrs later
  • recycled
  • invented and played "Rake Ball" with neighbors
  • played kickball in the back yard
  • flew kites
  • helped make christmas presents for the neighbor kids' parents
  • got good news
  • got bad news
  • got bad news that seemed good at the time
  • got good news that seemed bad at the time
  • cried
  • drank lots of coffee
  • laughed
  • baked
  • invited friends for dinner
  • cleaned (not nearly often enough)
  • was sick
  • was healthy
  • made birthday cupcakes every month for the 6th grade youth group class that i was the fill in "team coach" for
  • read
  • quilted
  • crocheted
  • made things
  • put in linoleum tile
  • gained weight
  • lost weight
  • re-did the cupboard doors
  • loved my bed (seriously...i loved my bed...not a morning all!)
  • was burned out
  • thrived
  • was frustrated
  • procrastinated
  • was organized
  • learned
  • made care packages for my college volunteers during finals
  • fasted
  • feasted
  • went on prayer walks
  • celebrated
  • grieved
  • developed a love for "The Office"
  • kept an official score card for all the games Emily and I played to see who was the ultimate winner
  • was obsessed with badminton for awhile
  • had to de-flea my house (ugh!)
  • was lonely - it felt like a dry and weary land where i longed for community
  • grew into community
  • drank deeply from a deep well of friendships
  • had a christmas tree that grew (even though it was cut down)
  • was selfish
  • was generous
  • was challenged
  • grew
  • was stretched
  • joked around
  • was sarcastic
  • had great conversations (not always easy...but still good)
  • asked lots of questions...some have been answered...others i still wrestle with
  • lived

i lived at 7666 Caryn Way...the good the bad the ugly...the richness of life - in all its seasons. i lived. what a sweet season it was. i can see how God has moved my heart to a new place. to move to Kolkata requires that i leave the Arbor Village Community. And its a good and necessary transition, but i don't want to move forward without looking back. i wanted to reflect on and celebrate the goodness, hardness, and beauty of my time at Seventy Six Sixty Six Caryn Way (Clap Clap, Clap Clap)....a season i will always cherish.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I LOVE rake ball! te he, so funny that that song still sticks in your head after so many years! ah good times, thanks Mel!