Thursday, June 11, 2009


The air conditioning in my car hasn't been working. i thought it just needed a "boost" of freon...i was wrong. I took it in for the freon boost before i left for KY, and found out that the air compressor is dead. so instead of a relatively cheap repair, its a major expense (that isn't gonna happen). big fat bummer. especially since my driver window is currently stuck. i know what's wrong with it...but can't manage to fix it (even with my dad's help...). supper bummer.

i bought some coffee the other day. its organic fair trade coffee. i love it that it tells me right on the label that its fair trade. I wish that fair trade chocolate was as accessible as coffee. i know its getting more and more accessible...but you still gotta dig a little. Also, i wonder why the fair trade wasn't priced any differently than the non-fair trade of that same makes me wonder...why wouldn't everyone buy the fair trade version...and then what's the difference. is all the coffee of that brand fair trade (wasn't all labeled) and why doesn't it cost more? shouldn't it?

i keep making stupid little mistakes and its frustrating to me. one of my "strengths" (from "Strength Finders" ) is Responsibility, which means: i feel a strong need to do what i say i'll so, and to complete tasks that i've been assigned, or volunteered for. it also means that when i "drop the ball" i feel like a big fat failure...and like i've let everyone little things like missing a deadline for an email i was supposed to respond to...or missing my credit card payment REALLY REALLY bother me...but i keep doing them cause of the lack of routine in my life. you would think that with so few things that i actually have to do, i could manage to do the few things left...but things keep falling between the cracks.

I tend to dislike personality assessments. they stress me out. i know there isn't a right or wrong answer...but i always think i'm going to give the wrong answer for me, and then i'm going to "get" the wrong personality. Strength Finders is my fave assessment ever (most useful to me). I did it about 5 yrs ago, and at the time i thought it fit me pretty good. Now, as i re-read those "strengths" i can see how they're even more true of me today than they were 5 yrs ago...i think that's pretty cool.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

thanks for your comment on my blog. you are so right....just because i know this is sure doesn't make it any easier. much love to you sister. coming to CO anytime soon?