Saturday, May 30, 2009

some recent likes and dislikes...

  • getting lost in a city i don't know very well - and fixing my mistake is complicated by construction blocking roads i need to get back where i want to be going (this may or may not have happened 2 days in a row...resulting in me wandering around to 15 minutes trying to get somewhere i was 2 minutes away from when i made that first fatal error)
  • gas stations that don't have fountain pop (or their fountain is broken)...fountain pop is just a good thing when you're on a road trip. on my way to and from WV i stopped at really bad gas stations both times - what horrible luck!

  • NPR (or Michigan Public Radio) - i have this new obsession with public radio...i can't get enough. i listened for at least 5 hrs on my way home from WV, and i found the public radio station in Grand Rapids, so now i listed while cruising around town (does make it nicer when you're lost and wandering for 15 minutes)...and more than once when i've arrived at my destination i thought, "oh, i want to keep listening to this story..."
  • Goodwill - i've had incredible luck at goodwill recently. i needed a top to match a skirt i bought in India...i found a perfect match for $2.30 at goodwill, and a bonus brand new t-shirt too (just a nice plain shirt). i also found a mug for my sister for 49 cents...and she LOVED it! plus i love that i get to use things that aren't new (reduce and reuse...or maybe its reuse and recycle...) plus not directly support any companies that use unethical business practices, and i'd rather give my money to goodwill and lots of other stores...
  • Donuts with chocolate frosting and sprinkles - really, does this need an explanation?!?!
  • When things are on sale that i was planning on buying anyway...its like a great surprise treat, i get what i was planning on buying, plus i save money. its a win, win, win!
  • Changing recipes to make them more healthy - you know, the ole substitute applesauce for oil trick, plus i've been adding wheat flour instead of white sometimes...and most recently i found out you can use flax seed and water as a substitute for eggs! (1T milled flax seed + 3T water = 1 egg). i tried it last night...and you can't tell any difference in the recipe!


Anonymous said...

I read about the flaxseed for egg substitute while at merilee's and looked for flaxseed but couldn't find it at meijer then forgot about it. where've you found it?

Anonymous said...

I read about the flaxseed for egg substitute while at merilee's and looked for flaxseed but couldn't find it at meijer then forgot about it. where've you found it?