Thursday, March 12, 2015

Kyle Scott in Spring Arbor

My dear friend Kyle Scott is an amazing singer/songwriter. Kyle worked at Sari Bari for 4 years, and has stayed connected to the community since he moved back to the US.  He has written an album inspired by the women of Sari Bari, and his time in Kolkata.

AND...he is going to be in Spring Arbor, MI (of all places!) performing his songs on Thursday March 19, 2015 at 8pm at the Kresge Student Center on Spring Arbor University's campus.

The first time i listened to this album was sacred. I sat on my couch and cried as i listed to the words Kyle sang. As humans have done for ages, he uses music and poetry to explain the inexplicable, to attempt to voice that which is far beyond our ability to name, or fully comprehend. It's true, perhaps these stories resonate with my heart in different ways, because i've walked these lanes, I've laughed and cried, hoped, been disappointed, and journeyed alongside the women of Sari Bari - but i'm quite confident in saying you won't regret an hour spent listening to Kyle share his heart and perspective.

I wish I could sit next to you, listen to the music, and breathe in the mystery and beauty together!

Here's a link to his bandcamp page, where you can listen to or buy the album, and there are lyrics on the site as well.

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